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CareSource BPO Services (India)
15/26 L.P Savani Road Adajan Surat, Gujrat, India
- (+91) 7383401524
Mon to Fri - 9:00 to 6:00
(Sunday Closed)
CareSource takes pride in being one of the leading BPO service providers for businesses located in the US. Furthermore, we also uphold a largely client-centered approach, which is based on the establishment of mutual trust, complete process transparency, and the development of tailor-made services that best fit each of their clients’ needs and requirements. Over the past 7 years, we have collaborated with numerous companies and provided a wide range of back-office services, most of which are still being provided today.
Types of CareSource Back Office Services:
- Accountancy & bookkeeping
- Data collection & processing
- Revenue Management & Protection
- Marketing
- Crew Planning
- Incoming/outgoing invoice processing & management
- Customer service related back-office tasks
- Call center related back-office tasks
- Airline company back-office tasks
In order to ensure the best possible service quality, we never stop upgrading and updating.
A Rapidly growing company with a core focus on Process excellence for customers and Cost of Operations for Clients